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1NB 35057-2015水电工程防震抗震设计规范Code for Seismic Design of Hydropower Projects中国水利水电出版社
2NB/T 10102-2018水电工程建设征地实物指标调查规范Code for Inventory Survey and Census中国水利水电出版社
of Land Requisition for Hydropower Projects
3NB/T 10130-2019水电工程蓄水环境保护验收技术规程Technical Specification for Acceptance of Environmental Protection in Initial Impoundment for Hydropower Projects中国水利水电出版社
4NB/T 10140-2019水电工程环境影响后评价技术规范Technical Code for Post-assessment of Environmental Impacts for Hydropower Projects中国水利水电出版社
5NB/T 10142-2019水电工程水温原型观测技术规范Technical Code for Prototype Observation of Water Temperature for Hydropower Projects中国水利水电出版社
6NB/T 10145-2019水电工程竣工决算报告编制规定Regulation for Preparation of Final Account Report for Hydropower Projects中国水利水电出版社
7NB/T 10146-2019水电工程竣工决算专项验收规程Specification for Final Account Acceptance of Hydropower Projects中国水利水电出版社
8NB/T 10487-2021水电工程珍稀濒危植物及古树名木保护设计规范Code for Design of Rare and Endangered Plants and Old and Notable Trees Protection for Hydropower Projects中国水利水电出版社
9NB/T 35109-2018水电工程三维激光扫描测量规程Specification for 3D Laser Scanning Measurement of Hydropower Projects中国水利水电出版社
10NB/T 42165-2018多端线路保护技术要求Specification for multi-terminal line protection中国电力出版社
11DL/T 261-2012火力发电厂热工自动化系统可靠性评估技术导则Reliability assessment techniques guidance of thermodynamic automatic system for fossil fuel power plant中国电力出版社
12DL/T 1056-2019发电厂热工仪表及控制系统技术监督导则Technical supervision guide for instrument and control system in power plant中国电力出版社
13SY/T 5440-2019天然气井试井技术规范Technical specifications for natural gas well testing石油工业出版社
14SY/T 5819-2016陆上重力磁力勘探技术规程Technical specifications for land gravity and magnetic surveys石油工业出版社
15SY/T 6589-2016陆上可控源电磁法勘探采集技术规程Technical specifications for land acquisition with controlled source electromagnetic methods石油工业出版社
16SY/T 6957-2018海洋重磁勘探数据采集技术规程Technical specifications for marine gravity and magnetic data acquisition石油工业出版社
17SY/T 7449-2019模拟地震检波器通用技术规范General technical specification of the geophone for seismic exploration石油工业出版社
18SY/T 10015-2019海上拖缆式地震数据采集作业技术规程Technical Specifications for Towed Streamer Marine Seismic Data Acquisition Operation石油工业出版社
19SY/T 10020-2018海上拖缆地震勘探数据处理技术规程Technical specifications for marine streamer seismic data processing石油工业出版社